Jimmy Smith will be leading our new efforts as the Nashville City Leader. Having lived in Nashville for most of his life, Jimmy is proud to call this fantastic city home with his wife and children. He joins us from his own successful consulting ventures and he has already become an invaluable asset to our team. We can't wait to continue to grow and thrive in Atlanta, Nashville, and beyond!

Get to know Jimmy below!

What do you do at Foojee?

I am the Nashville City Leader. I am fortunate enough to get to bring the Foojee goodness to a great city that loves some Apple products.

What did you do before Foojee?

Before Foojee, I started my own Apple consulting company in Nashville, very similar to what Foojee does. The big difference is it was just me, there wasn’t an awesome team of people to get to work with, like I do now.

Which app could you not live without?

I love using the Dark Sky weather app to find out exactly when it’s going to be raining. Like when you are in a restaurant with your family and the App tells you when the rain is going to let up so you can make the dash to the car and not get totally soaked. It’s saved us more than once.

Coolest place you’ve ever been?

Machu Picchu, Peru. My wife and I were there with a group building a park in a poor community. We were able to escape for a day and hike around the Incan ruins. 

What do you do for fun?

I am always geeking out on the latest Apple news and cool cars, but at the end of the day I love people and I love getting to spend time with my family and close friends.

So… what are your plans for tonight?

We just got back from celebrating my mom’s birthday and got the kids to bed. I will be hanging out on the couch with my lovely wife, maybe catch up on one of our favorite tv shows.

…Favorite apple?

I like any apple with our family’s favorite chocolate peanut butter protein dip. It’s the best!