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iPad Pro or No?

iPad Pro or No?

Apple unveiled the new iPad Pro as part of the line up of releases to come this fall. Slated for a November launch, the iPad Pro sports a display measuring 12.9 inches, which is the largest iPad display Apple has ever created.


Interested in learning more about this new device? Click here to read the rest of the post!

Your Guide to iOS 9

Your Guide to iOS 9

Wednesday marks the release of Apple’s next generation mobile operating system with the launch of iOS 9. Many of you may totally unaware of the release, but we’ve been anticipating this for months since Apple announced iOS at their summer keynote at the World Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC).


Interested in learning more about iOS 9? Click here to read the post.

Improve Web Browsing Performance and Increase Your Privacy

Improve Web Browsing Performance and Increase Your Privacy

There’s much ado about online privacy these days, thanks to organizations ranging from the NSA and Google all the way to Apple. What most people don’t know, however, is that your every day web activity is also being tracked by hundreds and thousands of services, all in the name of “market intelligence” and “improving your experience online”.


Click here to read the rest and find out how to protect yourself!

Digital Storage Solutions for Teams: Google Drive

Google Drive might be one of the most prevalent forms of digital storage for teams due to how many people actively use Gmail. When you sign up for a Gmail account, you automatically have a Google Drive account and are allocated 15 GB of free online storage to keep your photos, stories, designs, videos, and more. Once your files are stored in Drive they can be reached from any smartphone, tablet or computer, much other cloud storage solutions.


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Digital Storage Solutions for Teams: Dropbox

When it comes to Digital Storage in the workplace, there are a number of viable options. Some of you might be asking why digital storage is necessary when you can have a local copy of your documents on your device or you can save files to a centralized server. Those are both great to have, but what if your hard drive fails or worse, what if the server in your office dies and all of your stored data is lost? All of that precious client data and countless hours of work could be gone in the blink of an eye.


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Let's Talk Evernote

Evernote is one of the most robust documentation apps available on the market today. Regardless of what you want or need, Evernote can probably deliver in one way or another. Today's post might run a little long, but we're not striving to cut corners, we're striving to give you the best information we can so you can go out and use what you've learned to improve your life and work flow.


Click here to read the rest of this post...

Announcing Lunch & Learn Workshops

We’re excited to announce a new partnership with Roam that will bring you another great way to get the most out of your Apple products. Take a look at our video announcement below!

SquareSpace a Great Alternative to iWeb and MobileMe

Over the last couple of years, Apple has been pulling back its efforts of making website creation easy. Namely, iWeb has not been updated in over a year, and new Macs don't even come with it, nor is it available on the Mac App Store. iWeb was a super simple tool that many consumers and businesses could use to create a simple website, fast. In fact, many businesses (including us!) would use iWeb to create their first site after incorporating, until they designed and published a more capable website. Unfortunately it's not so easy anymore.
The nail in the coffin for Apple's web creation efforts was the discontinuation of its MobileMe service, which allowed your iWeb-created website to be published to the web in one click. Many of our customers have not only had to jump through hoops to install iWeb on their new Macs, but are now having to publish their iWeb-created websites to a traditional hosting provider. Although this is a working solution, the writing on the wall indicates that if you want to continue updating and editing your website, it's time to find a new tool to design your website. Better yet, if you can find a total package that makes design and publishing a snap, like iWeb and MobileMe used to, then you'd be set.

There are a few options out there, but none that I've felt proud enough of to recommend to our friends and customers as a complete alternative to iWeb. The criteria I am looking for are as follows:

  1. Easy and quick to add content and publish to a host.
  2. Customizable to a point where you can still show your own brand and personality.
For example,'s Website Tonight doesn't make the cut. It's fast and simple, but the tools encourage in-the-box thinking, and the end result is often sterile. is neat, but isn't too customizable, and is primarily geared toward creative professionals.

For those of you who are looking for a more advanced alternative to iWeb, and lets you have more customizable control with HTML and CSS, check out RapidWeaver. It's not quite as easy to use as iWeb, but I want to mention it if iWeb was beginning to hold you back from your website goals.

However, if you want to hit both of these goals above for simplicity and customizability, then I would highly recommend checking out SquareSpace. SquareSpace has been around since 2004, and they seem to be constantly updating their templates and capabilities with new services. Here are few things I like about them:

  • Drag and drop images to upload to your site.
  • Mobile versions for your website are created automatically.
  • The designs reflect the look and feel of today, and you can further customize them with your own layout and your brands colors.
There are two pricing options, $8/mo and $16/mo, and you can also start with a 14-day free trial.

Every business and website has different goals, so it's hard to make a recommendation for everyone. However if you're using iWeb now, and are looking for a newer alternative, SquareSpace will be the best replacement for overall simplicity in designing and publishing your website.

- Lucas