While people love Apple because of the simplicity and refinement they place into their products, it doesn't mean you have necessarily live and breath the Apple culture like those "Apple Kool-Aid drinkers" do 24/7. To give you an example, here are few of our opinions that might shock you, especially coming from a member of the Apple Consultants Network:

  • Microsoft Excel is the best software solution for building complex spreadsheets.
  • Sometimes Microsoft Office is the right choice for a business, instead of Apple's iWork.
  • Google Apps offers an amazing, low cost method of hosting your organizations email and calendars. Yes, even lower cost than a Mac mini Server.

We love Macs, iPads, and iPhones because they help us run our business more efficiently. We get to do our work, and not fuss with IT. However, Apple isn't the only good software maker out there, and we're happy to use tools that others have made. After all, there are (a couple) things Redmond has done well.