In this episode special guest, Craig McClellan, joins us to talk about education and technology including his personal setup that includes an TWO iPad Pros! 

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Foojee partners with schools every year and we love seeing teachers make the most of their technology. In the Nashville public school system, Craig is hard at work to leverage the iPads available to the students in his classroom.

Craig also has ditched the 10-year-old Dell PC provided for his work use in favor of a 12.9-inch iPad Pro and a 9.7-inch iPad Pro. Using each device for specific tasks, Craig is able to leverage his technology and help his students learn in new and exciting ways.

Our conversation with Craig covers his background, his current job and technology set up before diving in to the meet of the episode.


Craig's Links:

About The Foojee Show:

Lucas Acosta and his team at Foojee reveal and share their business and Apple knowledge, tips and tricks from 8 years as Apple consultants and more than a decade of collective experience as Apple employees. Whether you want to learn about adopting Apple products for your business, hear more about the most recent Apple products, or learn how to best navigate an MDM or email nightmare, we're here to help. You'll discover ways to save money and time while uncovering simple truths to boost your productivity for years to come. Although we're far from having things "figured out", we're able to 100% support our families by learning how to best serve businesses and schools using Apple products and how to overcome the wide variety of challenges we face on a daily basis. Between a prominent presence in the Apple consultant community, expanding to multiple cities, building authority and trust in the industry, leading the way with relevant videos (including our YouTube show), blogging regularly, getting things done, and always listening for feedback, Foojee will do everything possible to help you better understand your technology and how to master them to crush it in your own business.