Improve Web Browsing Performance and Increase Your Privacy

Improve Web Browsing Performance and Increase Your Privacy

There’s much ado about online privacy these days, thanks to organizations ranging from the NSA and Google all the way to Apple. What most people don’t know, however, is that your every day web activity is also being tracked by hundreds and thousands of services, all in the name of “market intelligence” and “improving your experience online”.


Click here to read the rest and find out how to protect yourself!

Simple Protection for Your Business

Simple Protection for Your Business

Some of the most frequent questions we receive from clients, friends, and even strangers have to do with security. We've talked about this particular issue before, but today we wanted to share with you how businesses (small or large) can ensure that not only is their information protected and secure, but also the client information stored on company devices. 


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This One Is For You

This One Is For You

At Foojee, we're always searching for how we can best serve our clients and friends. We started consistently putting out blog content in an effort to educate and serve you on topics that might impact your every day experiences with technology. We’re loving pushing the boundaries of our writing and putting out content to help you, but we need to listen as much as, if not more than, we talk.


We want to hear from you so click here to share your thoughts with us!

Digital Storage Solutions for Teams: iCloud

iCloud can give Google Drive a run for it’s money when it comes to prevalence of use in the market. While a Google Drive account is associated with a Gmail account, any time someone creates an Apple ID an iCloud account is born. When your iCloud account is created you are given 5GB of free storage to keep your photos, videos, documents, movies, and more. Once stored in iCloud your files can be reached from any device at any time internet is available. This particular service has hundreds of millions of users because of the prevalence of iOS devices in the market and every iOS device requires an Apple ID (and therefore an iCloud account).


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Digital Storage Solutions for Teams: Google Drive

Google Drive might be one of the most prevalent forms of digital storage for teams due to how many people actively use Gmail. When you sign up for a Gmail account, you automatically have a Google Drive account and are allocated 15 GB of free online storage to keep your photos, stories, designs, videos, and more. Once your files are stored in Drive they can be reached from any smartphone, tablet or computer, much other cloud storage solutions.


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Digital Storage Solutions for Teams: Dropbox

When it comes to Digital Storage in the workplace, there are a number of viable options. Some of you might be asking why digital storage is necessary when you can have a local copy of your documents on your device or you can save files to a centralized server. Those are both great to have, but what if your hard drive fails or worse, what if the server in your office dies and all of your stored data is lost? All of that precious client data and countless hours of work could be gone in the blink of an eye.


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Let's Talk Evernote

Evernote is one of the most robust documentation apps available on the market today. Regardless of what you want or need, Evernote can probably deliver in one way or another. Today's post might run a little long, but we're not striving to cut corners, we're striving to give you the best information we can so you can go out and use what you've learned to improve your life and work flow.


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Productivity Apps for the Mac

Are you a productivity junkie? Streamlining and simplifying workflows is kind of a hobby for a few of us on the Foojee team. We're somewhat addicted to productivity apps. We believe anyone can benefit from simplifying their flow via the millions of apps available to us as OS X (and iOS!) users. Today, we wanted to share with you some of our favorites!


Click to read about them!